June 2022

“Wow, this is amazing!!! I love the way you subdivided the terms, and all of your ‘see also’ additions are spot-on.”


December 2021

“Thank you so much. You managed to save me from a number of silly errors.”


September 2021

“ You have truly made the difference with this project . . . I spent the bulk of the last several days plowing through the five pages of errors that you identified. I fear these errors would have made it to print if you had not shared your observations with me. I am certain that most indexers would not have taken the necessary time to correct all of the typographical errors. I am truly indebted to you. . . I am truly grateful that you agreed to share your experiences and talent with me. The project could have been subjected to unrelenting, but legitimate, criticism had you not saved me from myself.”


January 10, 2019

Dear Mary Ann,

So many thanks for your splendid indexing of my book At Home in the Dark. Looking at what you have achieved, and how useful it will be to readers, I almost blush at my initial impulse to attempt it myself. You did everything I would have done, and so much more. Such useful categories as audience reactions, film festivals, foreign-language films, makeup artists, remakes, and many more are significant and interesting, but they would likely have escaped me while I was facing a publishing deadline.

Likewise, such matters as the inclusion of film titles under the names of directors or actors with more than five titles mentioned, the bold type for titles of films reviewed as opposed to those merely mentioned, and cross references for foreign film titles contribute significantly to the clarity and usefulness of this index.

I am grateful also for our email exchanges during the preparation of the index. I appreciate your prompt and thoughtful responses to my queries and your courtesy and good humor throughout. I would certainly welcome the chance to work with you again.

Warm thanks and every good wish.


Richard Figge


September 15, 2019

Mary Ann:

Thank you for the Index. WOW! That is amazing work. I love the way you prepared the Index. It was the right decision to hire you to prepare the Index for the book.

I thoroughly checked the index against the book. It was perfect.

It has been a pleasure working with you.

Best wishes.

Chuck Flink


December 20, 2020

Mary Ann:

The index is wonderful!

You’ve created a key to certain things I hadn’t even thought about—for example, the compiling of exercises together, which should be quite useful for readers. Your attention to variations on names is something I appreciate, as well as the other corrections you caught.

Thank you so much for this very thoughtful and detailed work.

Susan Hrach